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조선 후기 학자 김장생이 예禮에 관해 묻고 답한 내용을 아들 김집이 정리·편집한 책이다. 이이의 제자이자 송시열의 스승으로 잘 알려진 김장생은 임진왜란 이후 예학禮學 발달의 기초를 닦았다. 당시 조선은 전란으로 무너진 사회질서를 재건할 필요가 있었다. 이에 김장생은 ‘시대에 따라 달라진 예의절목’을 지속적으로 연구하고 기록으로 남겼으며, 그의 아들 김집이 이를 정리해 1646년(인조 24) 『의례문해』로 간행했다.
This book is a compilation of questions and answers by the late Joseon intellectual Kim Jang-saeng, focusing on the subject of propriety. It was organized and edited by his son Kim Jip. Recognized as a disciple of Yi I and a master of Song Si-yeol, Kim Jang-saeng laid the groundwork for the advancement of propriety studies following the Imjin Waeran. During this period, the Joseon Dynasty faced the task of rebuilding the social order that had been disrupted by the war. In response, Kim Jang-saeng dedicated himself to studying and documenting the “essential articles of propriety that have changed with the times.” His son, Kim Jip, subsequently organized and published them in 1646 (the 24th year of King Injo’s reign) as Uirye munhae (Questions and Answers on Doubtful Passages of the Rites) .