상세 정보
조선의 모든 법령이 집대성된 법전이다. 『경국대전』 편찬 이후에도 사회 변화에 따라 법령을 보완할 수밖에 없었다. 1492년(성종 23) 『경국대전속록』, 1543년(중종 38) 『경국대전후속록』 등이 계속 편찬되었다. 그 뒤 1746년(영조 22) 『경국대전』 이후의 모든 법규를 모아 『속대전』을 편찬했고, 1786년(정조 10)에는 『대전통편』을 만들었다. 그리고 정조 이후 고종 대에 이르는 80여 년 사이에 새로 반포된 법령 및 각종 조례 등을 종합해 『대전회통』을 편찬했다.
This is a code that compiles all the laws of Joseon. Even after the compilation of Gyeongguk daejeon (National Code), it was inevitable to supplement the laws and regulations according to the social changes. Subsequently, follow-up works such as Daejeon songnok and Daejeon husongnok were compiled in 1492 (the 23rd year of King Seongjong’s reign) and 1543 (the 28th year of King Jungjong’s reign) respectively. Then, in 1746 (the 22nd year of King Yeongjo’s reign), Sok daejeon (Supplement to the National Code) was compiled by collecting all the laws and regulations that came out since Gyeongguk daejeon, and in 1786 (the 10th year of King Jeongjo’s reign), Daejeon tongpyeon was compiled. In the 80 years between King Jeongjo and King Gojong, Daejeon hoetong (Comprehensive Collection of the National Code) was compiled by synthesizing newly promulgated laws and various ordinances.