상세 정보
김장생의 제자였던 송시열이 주희의 저술을 집대성한 『주자대전』에서 의심스러운 부분이나 어려운 대목을 뽑아 정교하게 해설한 책이다. 송시열은 주자 성리학의 이념을 신봉하고 정치에 구현하려 했으며, 조선이 주자 성리학을 이끄는 문명의 본원이어야 한다고 생각했다. 이 책은 송시열이 수십 년간 집필하고, 사후 그의 제자 권상하와 김창협이 마무리하여 1716년(숙종 42) 간행되었다.
Song Si-yeol, a disciple of Kim Jang-sang, meticulously expounded on the ambiguous or difficult passages found in the compiled writings of Zhu Xi, known as Zhuzi daquan (Great Collection of Zhu Xi’s Works). Song Si-yeol believed in the neo-Confucian ideology of Zhu Xi and tried to actualize it in the realm of politics. He thought that Joseon should be the source of a civilization which guides neo-Confucianism in accordance with Zhu Xi’s propositions. Over the span of several decades, Song Si-yeol dedicated himself to crafting this book. Following his death, his disciples Gwon Sang-ha and Kim Chang-hyeop undertook the task of completing it. The final work was published in 1716 (the 42nd year of King Sukjong’s reign).